this was really nice
I liked the background music, and the AI was very difficult which definently kept me playing longer than if the game were easier. I have a few very specific and picky suggestions that could skyrocket this from another pong knock-off to its own game on its own.
1) This is optional- Difficulty- Giving the user a choice of difficulty really gives them a sense of control and accomplishment if they beat it on hard, instead of just beating it. Then, they could challenge their friends, giving you more plays, and hopfully more ratings.
2) Changeable background- The black gets boring. If a user/player can change the background, he will feel more comfortable, and he will keep playing on ever different setting.
3) Power-ups- In order to have a truly unique pong game, you really need to have power-ups. With power-ups comes a different playing every single time that preloader is done.
Overall a good game, and it really stands out from other pong games. One of your better flashes. Keep up the amazing work!!!